College Park in Williamsburg is a wildlife refuge for all kinds of animals, including blue and green herons, osprey, eagles, crabs, and fish. The refuge provides the needed resources of safety, shelter, and food. One day as I visited, there were five people bird watching. We saw an osprey dive down into the water for fish. A blue heron was snatching up fish and the grey gills of the fish were sparkling in the sun.

The definition of refuge is something providing shelter or a condition of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger, or trouble.

Some days I need a refuge for my thoughts and feelings. At times, I almost need a reset button to clear my mind. I like to find a quiet park or go into our woods near our backyard. It is when I get away, out of the noise of life, that I find God is still in control. He never changes. The refuge is not going to run to us. We need to choose to look for a refuge.

Psalm 5:11-12 says, “But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.”

This is just one of the 98 references to refuge in the Bible.

Psalm 62:8 says, “Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.”

Thirty years ago, we went to Tobermory, Canada for our honeymoon. One of the adventures we took was to a remote place called Flowerpot Island. We had to get there by boat and it was about 30 minutes from shore. The boat staff dropped us off and told us they’d be back in two hours to pick us up. We jokingly said, “I hope this doesn’t turn into a Gilligan’s Island.”

We hiked on a trail around the island. My husband walked in front of me and he told me later that there were many snakes that slithered off into the grass in front of him. We noticed the dark clouds beginning to form. We were concerned about being left on the island for longer than planned if a storm stayed around too long. As we continued to walk, we noticed these flies landing on us and they were biting. I looked at my husband’s back and there must have been 50 on him. Some people began walking towards us and they said, “You don’t want to walk that way because there are hundreds of flies biting us.”

We turned around and headed for shelter to a covered pavilion, where we spent another hour with about 15-20 people waiting for our boat. It was windy and raining. Lightning flashed again and again. We were very thankful for the shelter and prayed that God would get us back on land safely.

Have you found your refuge? Have you found your place of peace?

Psalm 46:1-3

Psalm 46:1-3 says, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.”

Have you found your refuge? Have you found your place of peace?

Go on a trip with me, in your mind, out to a favorite park or spot that is quiet, and no one is around. As you are getting out of your car, you begin walking. In the far distance you see a covered shelter or pavilion. You see what looks like someone sitting there. You are curious and cautious as you begin to get closer to the shelter. Just on the other side of the shelter is your favorite spot, where you enjoy sitting and watching the babbling brook with water gently running over the rocks. You need to get to it, but you are going to have to pass by this person sitting at a table under the shelter.

At first glimpse he seems familiar, like an acquaintance. You share kind greetings. The person at the table says, “Won’t you come and join me at the table?” Your first thought is, “No, I don’t know you.” Then you catch a familiar look in His eyes of care, love, and peace. You inch closer, wondering if everything is safe.

The person says, “Take a load of your feet and sit a while. Take your shoes off and rest with me a bit.”

As you begin to settle in and relax, a gentle cool breeze blows through the shelter, and then a warmth that is just the perfect temperature. You begin to notice the air you are breathing is fresh, inviting, and delightful.

The person asks you, “What is on your heart today? Why did you come looking for a refuge?” You begin to pour your heart out to Him. He listens as you share your thoughts, feelings, hurts, and joy.

Time gets away as you share stories back and forth. Your time comes to an end and you pray together. You realize it has been Jesus sitting with you. You leave the park feeling the joy of the Lord because you choose to go and look for joy in Jesus, your Refuge and Protector.

You know that He will be waiting for you right in this same spot anytime you need Him. He will be waiting with open arms, a gentle smile, and loving heart to listen and comfort you through each storm and celebrate through each joy.

Journal: What would you tell Jesus if you were sitting at a picnic table across from Him?

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