Adria Wilkins has captivated and inspired authors and public speakers across the United States. She offers a variety of engaging and inspirational presentations designed to help authors and speakers build their creativity and writing skills.
Adria shares personal stories that are both compelling and heart-felt, making it easy to see why audiences have been so moved and appreciative when she speaks.
Adria would love to inspire your audience. She has presented to high-school and colleges. She speaks and conducts workshops at corporate events, trade shows and conferences, church events, writers events and more.
Learn more or schedule Adria for your event today.
A 45 minute workshop that encourages participants to journal the story of where they are in life and where they want to be. The workshop takes a creative journaling approach with questions to begin your daily journaling routine. Students are then provided with strategies and real-life examples, to help them reach the goals they want to achieve.
Pressing your spring and summer flowers is a way to continue enjoying your flowers into the fall and winter. Learn how to make a flower press and the supplies needed, and the best flowers for pressing. I provide pressed flowers during this workshop to make a bookmark or card.
Hands on activity of creating a mosaic cross out of broken vintage plates. Participants will provide a colorful plate and will break it with a hammer and then glue and grout the pieces to a wooden cross and take it home. A story of brokenness turned to joy is shared during the drying of the grout. Discover how beautiful things can come out of an ugly situations.
Who are you and what is in your reserves tank when life gets tough? The next time you see a water tower you will be reminded to check your reserves.
What do you need to let go of so you can embrace joy? We all have an amusement park in our towns we just don't know about it. It is the local dump. Learn how we can do a brain dump to get rid of the junk that fills our minds so we can make room for joy.
How can we punch out negativity when we are being bombarded with frustration, anger, and hurtful words on a regular basis. Recognize the negative things, call them out by name, and replace it with words of gratitude either by using scripture, songs, or writing.
A 30 minute workshop to get you creatively thinking about how to market your book, podcast, products, or speaking.
Our senses can and will trigger memories. Why not use your senses to bring joy? Practical and thought provoking ways to bring joy while using our five senses.
A 60 minute workshop that encourages participants to journal the story of where they are in life and where they want to be. Students are then provided with strategies and real-life examples, to help them reach the goals they want to achieve.
Learn more or schedule Adria for your event today.